====== MQTT Schema ====== * /FLKA * /system * /labswitch - the big lab switch at the entrance * /stat * type: boolean * description: labswitch status * values: 'ON' or 'OFF' * /poll - messages here trigger the switch to resend it's state * /Steckdosen * /LeisteXX - replace XX with respective number * /DoseXX - replace XX with respective number * /stat * /power * type: boolean * description: status of the power of the socket.sent after the socket was toggled * values: 'ON' or 'OFF' * /cmd * /power * type: boolean * description: command channel to toggle the socket * values: 'ON' or 'OFF' * /tele * /amp * type: number * description: power consumption level * values: 0-255 * /Heizung * /ThermostatXX - replace XX with respective number * /Sensor * /MAC: Unique ID * /stat * /temperature * /humidity * /labtivators * /discover * type: string * description: payload contains the mac of the newly connected labtivator * / * /stat * /button1color * type: string * description: change the LED color of the button * values: 'red', 'green', 'black'/any * /button2color * type: string * values: 'red', 'green', 'black'/any * description: change the LED color of the button * /cmd * /button1 * /button2